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太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨的英文

"太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨"怎么读


  • sunny morning at peak cafe
  • "太"英文翻译    highest; greatest; remotest
  • "平"英文翻译    flat; level; even; smooth
  • "餐"英文翻译    eat
  • "厅"英文翻译    hall
  • "的"英文翻译    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • "初"英文翻译    at the beginning of; in the ...
  • "夏"英文翻译    summer
  • "早"英文翻译    morning
  • "晨"英文翻译    morning
  • "太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 暮 春 早 晨" 英文翻译 :    misty morning at peak cafe
  • "晨" 英文翻译 :    名词(早晨) morning 凌晨 before dawn; 清晨 early morning; dawn
  • "餐" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(吃饭) eat 饱餐 eat one's fill; glut; 聚餐 dine together; have a dutch treat; 野餐 go on a picnic; picnicⅡ名词(饭食) food; meal 便餐 light meal; 快餐 snack; 冷餐 buffet; 一顿美餐 a delicious meal; 西 [中国] 餐 western [chinese] food; 午餐 lunch; 早餐 breakfast; 正餐 dinnerⅢ量词(饮食的顿数) regular meal 一日三餐 three meals a day
  • "厅" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(聚会或招待客人用的大房间) hall 舞厅 dance hall; ballroom; 客厅 drawing room; parlour; 餐厅 dining hall; restaurant; 音乐厅 concert hall; 休息厅 lounge; foyer2.(大机关里一个办事部门的名称) office 办公厅 general office3.(某些省属机关的名称) a government department at the provincial level 财政厅 the finance department; 教育厅 the education department; 审判厅 court of law
  • "初" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(开始的部分) at the beginning of; in the early part of 八月初 early in august; in early august; 年初 at the beginning of the year2.(姓氏) a surname 初卫 chu weiⅡ助词(附着在数词一至十之前表示次序) 初一[二] the first [second] day (of a lunar month)Ⅲ形容词1.(第一个) first (in order) 初雪 first snow; 初战 first battle2.(等级最低的) elementary; rudimentary 初级班 elementary course3.(原来的; 原来的情况) original 初愿 one's original intention; 和好如初 become reconciledⅣ副词(第一次; 刚开始) for the first time 初出炉 just out of the oven; 初具规模 begin to take shape; 初晴 sky has just cleared; 感冒初起 with the first symptoms of a cold
  • "早" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(早晨) morning 清早 early in the morning; 从早到晚 from morning till night2.(姓氏) a surname 早乐东 zao ledongⅡ副词(很久以前) long ago; as early as; for a long time 早在童年时代 as early as in the childhood; 他早走了。he left long ago. 我早知道了。 i knew that long ago.; that's no news to me.Ⅲ形容词1.(时间在先的) early 早白头 premature white hair; 早稻 early rice2.(比一定的时间靠前) early; beforehand; in advance 提早交货 goods delivered in advance; 早作准备 get prepared in advance; make timely preparations; 你早点儿来。 come early. 为时尚早。 it's still early. 天不早了。 it's getting late. 早知如此, 我就不回去了。 if i'd known this beforehand i would not have gone back.3.(问候的话, 用于早晨见面时互相招呼) good morning 老师早 ! good morning, teacher
  • "太" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(极高; 极大) highest; greatest; remotest 太空 the firmament; outer space; 太湖 great lake2.(极; 最) extreme; most 太古 remote antiquity3.(身分最高或辈分更高的) more or most senior; great-grand 太老伯 grandfather; granduncle; 太老师 father of one's teacher or teacher of one's father; 太老爷 great-grandfatherⅡ副词1.(表示程度过分) too 太过分 go too far; 讲话讲得太长 make too long a speech; 太糟糕了。 that's too bad. 他太兴奋,连话都说不出来了。he was so excited that he could not speak.;he was too excited to speak.;he was so excited that words failed him.2.(表示程度极高) extremely; exceedingly; very 太高兴了 extremely happy; very glad; 太激动人心了 exceedingly exciting; 太感谢你了。 thanks a lot.; thank you ever so much. 这着棋太妙了。 this is an extremely wise move.3.(用于否定, 很) very 不太好 not very good; not good enough; 今天不太热。 it is not very hot today.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 太皓 tai hao
  • "顶" 英文翻译 :    i 名词(人体或物体的最上部) crown; peak; top 到顶 reach the limit [peak]; 山顶 mountaintop; hilltop; 秃顶 be bald; 屋顶 roofⅡ动词1.(用头支承) carry on the head 头上顶着一罐水 carry a pitcher of water on one's head2.(从下面拱起) push from below or behind; push up 用千斤顶把汽车顶起来 jack up a car; 嫩芽把土顶起来了。 the sprouts have pushed up the earth.3.(用头撞击) gore; butt 又顶又踢 butting and kicking; 这牛爱顶人。 this bull gores people.4.(支撑; 抵住) prop; sustain; support 把门顶起来 prop up the door; 坑道顶儿用柱子顶着。 the pillars sustain the roof of the pit.5.(对面迎着) go against 顶风雪, 战严寒 face blizzards and brave severe cold; 顶着烈日走路 walk in a boiling sun; 我们的船顶着风浪前进。 our ship made head against the wind and waves.6.(用强硬的话反驳别人; 顶撞) retort; turn down 把抗议顶回去 reject a protest; 他们说他, 他就顶。 when they scolded him, he would answer back. 我顶了他几句。 i said a few words to him in retort.7.(担当; 支持) cope with; stand up to 负担虽重, 他们两个也顶下来了。 the load was heavy, but the two of them coped with it all right. 妇女能顶半边天。 women hold up half of heaven [half the sky].; women shoulder [prop up] half (of) the sky.; women prop up the other half of the sky.8.(相当; 抵) equal; be equivalent to 干活他一个能顶我们两个。 he can do the work of two of us.9.(顶替) take the place of; substitute; replace 顶别人的名字 assume sb. else's name; 他顶患病的工人干活。 he substituted for the worker who was ill.Ⅲ介词[方言] (到某个时间) until; till 顶十点他才回来。 he did not return till ten o'clock. 顶昨天我才听说这件事。 it was not until yesterday that i learned it.Ⅳ量词(用于某些有顶的东西) 一顶轿子 a sedan chair; 一顶帽子 a cap; a hat; 一顶蚊帐 a mosquito netⅤ副词(表示程度最高) very; most; extremely 顶聪明 most intelligent; 顶有用 very useful; 顶小的那个孩子 the youngest [smallest] child
  • "平" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(没有高低凹凸, 不顷斜) flat; level; even; smooth 把纸铺平 smooth out the paper; 让病人躺平 help the patient to lie stretched out; 地板很平。 the floor is quite flat. 桌面不平。 the table is not level.2.(高度相同; 不相上下) on the same level; equal 积雪与窗子相平。 the snow is even with the window. 那些孩子要与大人们平起平坐。 those children want to be level with adults. 树梢和屋顶齐平。 the tree top is level with the roof.3.(平均; 公平) equal; fair; impartial 持平之论 a fair argument; an unbiased view; 平分 divide equally4.(安定; 宁静) calm; peaceful; quiet 心平气和 even-tempered and good-humoured; calm; 海上风平浪静。 the sea was calm.5.(经常的; 普通的) average; common 平日 on ordinary days; 学习成绩平平 have average school resultsⅡ动词1.(使平) level; even 把地平一平 level the ground; 农民们平了三百英亩地。 the peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.2.(在比较时没有高低、先后) be on the same level; equal 平世界纪录 equal a world record; 水已经平了河岸。 the water has been on the same level with the banks.3.(抑止怒气) pacify; assuage; calm down 平民愤 assuage popular indignation; 为民平愤 redress the grievances of the people; 经他一解释, 老太太的气也就平了。 his explanation soothed the old woman's anger.4.(用武力镇压; 平定) put down; suppress 平叛 put down a rebellion [revolt]Ⅲ名词1.[体育] (平局) make the same score; tie; draw 场上比分是七平。 the score is now seven all. 双方打成十五平。 the two teams tied at 15-15. 这场足球最后踢平了。 the football game ended in a draw.2.[语言学] (古汉语四声之一: 平声) level tone, one of the four tones in classical chinese3.(姓氏) a surname 平涛 ping tao
  • "夏" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(夏季) summer 初夏 early summer; 度夏 pass [spend] the summer; 一燕不成夏。 one swallow does not make a summer.2.(朝代) the xia dynasty (c. 2lst-c. 17th century b.c.)3.(中国) an ancient name for china 华夏 china4.(姓氏) a surname 夏明 xia ming
  • "T山" 英文翻译 :    t keten
  • "山" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(地面形成的高耸的部分) hill; mountain 翻山越岭 cross over mountain after mountain; tramp over hill and dale; 那山海拔六千英尺。 the mountain rises 6,000 feet above sea-level.2.(形状像山的东西) anything resembling a mountain 冰山 iceberg3.(蚕蔟) bushes in which silkworms spin cocoons 蚕上山了。 the silkworms have gone into the bushes to spin their cocoons.4.(山墙) gable; pediment5.(姓氏) a surname 山涛 shan tao
  • "晨,哀痛" 英文翻译 :    mourning
  • "比……早" 英文翻译 :    ahead of
  • "太 (香港)" 英文翻译 :    the sun (hong kong)
  • "太 (英)" 英文翻译 :    the sun (newspaper)
太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨的英文翻译,太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨,太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨的英文意思,太 平 山 頂 餐 廳 的 初 夏 早 晨的英文太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨 meaning in English太 平 山 頂 餐 廳 的 初 夏 早 晨的英文太 平 山 顶 餐 厅 的 初 夏 早 晨怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。